great, e deja 28iunie, si toate forumurile sau site-urile imi ureaza la multi ani, si indica cifra 22...
trist, stiu.
nu stiu daca este ciudat, dar nu-mi doresc acum sa fiu pe munte, nici sa fiu la mama naibii, nici sa fac ceva extravagant, precum am facut in toti anii de pana acum.
nu, vreau numai sa raman acasa, sa stau linistit, cu persoanele dragi mie, si asta ma va face fericit.
sper ca asta nu e un semn de maturitate, fiindca nu vreau sa!
se pare ca de cateva luni incoace tot uneltesc sa imi mai indeplinesc un vis ce il aveam de mic, acum mai mult de moft si din pasiune pentru IT, nu pentru jocuri sau mai stiu eu ce: in afara de
1.See Ireland - check
2.See at least one Cranberries concert till I die - check and create the most expensive and awesome computer in town - check
pe wishlist, nu stiu momentan ce ar urma, ceva arzator...
poate ar trebui sa fie sa termin cu licenta si facultatea anul asta, numai asa de ochii lumii, fiindca stiu ca nu ma va ajuta cu absolut nimic sa am o facultate, sau doua, la activ.
cred ca ceva ce m-ar foarte incanta si satisface... ar fi sa am timp, rabdare, chef, si sa ma reapuc de chitara, si sa invat tainele sunetelor superbe scoase de aceasta.. sa invat sa cant din nou la chitara.
goodbye, 21... sigh, welcome 22... se pare ca ma avant intr-o noua varsta.
This was started as some sort of travellogue, which turned out to be formed of shards of memories.
Wee blog
luni, 27 iunie 2011
sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011
Wow, it's been almost a year... and summer's already come.
a couple more days 'till my birthday, which was actually the day when I bought my mp4 player, a tent, a good sleeping bag, a thermos, and all the necesary things for my departure towards sweet Ireland. and now I'll be staying home, celebrating with my beloved titmouse..
It sounds strange, and far away, the time when I set off for adventure... and although I'd very much like to see Eire once again, I don't feel that urge anymore, I can bear with this just fine.
the days do seem happier now, even with some debts and failed exams, when you've got someone beside you.
a couple more days 'till my birthday, which was actually the day when I bought my mp4 player, a tent, a good sleeping bag, a thermos, and all the necesary things for my departure towards sweet Ireland. and now I'll be staying home, celebrating with my beloved titmouse..
It sounds strange, and far away, the time when I set off for adventure... and although I'd very much like to see Eire once again, I don't feel that urge anymore, I can bear with this just fine.
the days do seem happier now, even with some debts and failed exams, when you've got someone beside you.
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