vineri, 3 septembrie 2010

the meaning of life...

Băi, nu ştiu ce naiba s'a întîmplat, dar m'am întors în ţară cu speranţe noi, cu ceva optimism şi no, ceva experienţe, sperînd că acum se vor fi rezolvat nişte chestii şi că pot relua cursul firesc al vieţii etc. dar s'au dus toate de râpă... zău, toate.
nu ştiu ce naiba să fac, că'mi vine să plec înapoi şi să nu mă mai întorc sau să plec în timişoara. zău, e naşpa rău. nuş' cum sau dacă o să ies din toate astea, dar nu sună deloc a bună, şi nimic nu pare să fie "the right kind of wrong", ca în Coyote Ugly.
zău, îl quotez pe Remy Zero, într'un soundtrack din Superman, "somebody save me!"
Mno, nuş'. mă abţin să scriu mai mult. e naşpa rău, şi nu mai suport.

Pixies - Where is my mind...

miercuri, 4 august 2010

Belfast, Northern Ireland

I now find myself stuck in Belfast for more than a week.Except for the daily showers, as in rain, belfast is a city of tremendous beauty and not just architecturally or nature or green-wise, but overall. seems like fate is on my side this time, I just got my 200£ flight ticket from Dublin to Bucharest for the 10th of August, 2010, and couldnt've been happier. finally I manage to get home. never thought I'd witness the moment of missing home , really. yet now I keep counting the days/hours till my flight flies,heh. that among visiting a bit more of Belfast city and it's lovely huge park and oh, the library's a paradise! often find myself searching through the dusty shelves and oh, finding a really rare tolkien book which I didn't even know to have existed! and dragon tales and irish myths and legends , just lovely. oh and i found inkheart and a thick book of celtic myths and legends. as I saw the movie, I have to get the book as well, and the celtic one. yet there's one big issue: how am i going to fit all that? so many new clothes and tens of books can't even fit my backpack now. and i can;'t leave any book behind, just can't! so thrilled to be able to get home with such treasures, my tolkien collection is almost complete!

seems like a bit of a failure, this travellogue of mine, yet I have them well printed in my memory, and with this sort of selfishness , I'd rather keep the whole experience to myself, and what an experience I had.

For anyone reading this: fight for what/whom you believe in. it'll take you really far.. and if you have a burning desire or a huge dream/passion, oh well, didn't you know that dreams can come true? never thought i'd get to see ireland thousands of miles away at this early age and just because of really wanting to go and just hmmm I'll just quote Tolkien again, whether you like it or not:

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to."


if any friends from bucharest or nearby, i'd really appreciate being greeted by someone at the otopeni airport at 10.10PM or being offered a tiny wee bit of accomodation for a couple of hours.
take care , lads.

sâmbătă, 24 iulie 2010

Ok, I'm soooo fatigue /weary at the moment that I could fall asleep even in a fountain. so I won't really write much more than the fact that I had some really amazing experiences, some of which were too great to share with anyone so I'll just let them printed in my memory.
I find myself now in Glasgow, Scotland. and after having been through lots and having seen stonehenge.. I got robbed at stonehenge. so it's up to me to try and make it right to get safely home. will the poor roamer accomplish his dream and reach the actual irish shore? that's a matter only time will tell. what i do regret though is missing out so many great festivals around europe and fests and concerts in my country. and missing my friends a bit. anyhow my eyes are getting heavier and so does my head.. therefore you'll have to hold onto just that.
anyhow, sweet dreams, everyone. I'll dream of the Loch Ness monster, of course. it's only a couple of hundreds miles away. hehe

vineri, 9 iulie 2010

Up into eiffel tower. notre dame. UK!!!!!!!

ok, I'm pretty much the happiest person ever. although paris was amazing, and had the most amazing view from atop tour eiffel and all the other thigns i've visited, and other things i've done.... nothing compares to going on a huge enormous ferrybot from callais to dover, uk.. eating at the restaurant there, and hearing the seagulls and spending time with two amazing people, two musicians, with lots of instruments scattered all around the house, a fantastic house, fantastic garden, fantastic city, dover.. and the concert at the restaurant was fabulous. and I still can't believe I ended up sooner than expected on english soil. this is INCREDIBLE! can't wait for tomorrow to visit a 2500years old castle and a 3500years old boat, and the shore and everything, and everyone speaks english here. and everything's plain FANTASTIC!

joi, 8 iulie 2010

Oh, Champs Elysees... Tour Eiffel, Le Louvre!

Well, it seems I skipped a lovely day in oradea, and my trip through 5 countries of getting to Paris, and one incredible day spent in Paris, but I'm really out of time, barely have some to breathe.
I can't believe I got to see the good ol' Paris... la Seine is lovely, Champs Elysees did not impress me much, tho. Nor did Tour Eiffel, despite it's incredible statistics(lights, weight height paint put in it etc). it seemed small to me, really did. not the impressive thing I was expecting. I was much rather pleased by le Louvre... IT'S ENORMOUS! and FANTASTIC! yes, I did see Rembrant's autoportrait, and ofc Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and oh, thousands or tens of thousands of other things, 1 day is simply not enough of going through le Louvre... it's gigantic! it has some lovely parks, and got to see another museum, and seems like today I'll take the path of getting up on the elevator on the Eiffel Tower, then visit la Notre Dame de Paris, and Sacre Coeur, another lovely cathedral, and some castle thing and grr there are so many... oh ofc L'arc de Triomphe, and then if I have a little more time, back to le Louvre, it's just too big to make in a day or two without literally running, hehe.
Anyhow, today i'll see what I do, and tomorrow maybe, then it's Stonehenge time for me!
don't have time to write more, nor to upload any pictures. hopes for some spare time to do it soon.
Take care, lads.

vineri, 2 iulie 2010

One big day trip. Oradea. party! xx

So here I am, at my host's place, relaxed and fresh after having taken a shower, waiting to go out with him for a few drinks as it's his birthday.
Today I went out in the morning, around 10AM, instead of 8, because eh, I'm lazy.
Around 11 I got to the hitchin place from brasov towards sibiu/oradea, and after an unsuccessful attempt of hitchin a ride directly to Oradea for 20mins, I got overbored and got out my heavy artilery: SIBIU hitchhiking sign. waited quite long with that as well, but cars couldn't stop so easily there and they were going fast. to my surprise I got picked up by a hungarian guy from Budapest, who's been living in Brasov for the past 8 years, and if I would've known him just a tad earlier, he would've found me a host in ireland, and he would've offered me a direct RIDE to UK! grr, imagine my frustration... anyhow, he took me to sibiu and gave me lots of insightful info. such as eating 3 course meals at the price of 2 euros, where to play music on the street for money, and where to buy a 7.5euros 2person tent, lot lighter than my 4person one. and he took me to sibiu and let me exactly where I should've hitchhiked next. sort of, walked a bit to the gas station with my enormous backpack(PACK LIGHT,PACK LIGHT!) and then waited lots aka 20mins there, listening to music and trying to catch a ride to Cluj, till some car beeped for me behind my back. so I turned and there was a really cool guy who's been going to lots of concerts and also acdc in france, just as i did with the crans in Milan, and err he was cool. took me to Cluj and let me in the center from where i took a bus towards the margin of the city, where I walked a bit and waited for my next hh-ing experience, which was horrible, by the way. aka i waited in the burning sun for half an hour and eventually caught a ride, yet insolation was knockin' at my door. anyhow, that guy DROVE ME WITH 210KMPH!!! and overran lots of cars with the imminent danger of bumping a truck or a car face to face. so uhm, was quite thrilling I reckon, and err, then he played some old rock classics, all unplugged, was pretty neat. yet I felt quite tired, as I haven't slept the previous night. he let me right in the center, and I paid him 5lei, 1.25euros, as he was sort of err looking like one that would do that for money, we didn't talk much at all. got a luvly ice-cream from the centre and uhm then walked a tad around the city, saw the river, and erm then met with my host, Benjamin. pretty cool guy, I reckon.
ok time for me to uhm split, we goin out rockin!
will post some pics late in the night.
bye lads!

joi, 1 iulie 2010


Here I am with my enormous backpack, after not having slept at all the previous night, taking a few hours bath and backpacking... and now it's 8.52 AM, 2nd July. This is it. This is my departure point. this evening I'll hopefully be in Oradea to be hosted by a really cool guy whose birthday is today as well. hope I manage to catch a ride fast enough..

So the trip of my life has begun, hitchhiking and couchsurfing/camping with the tent all the way to my beloved Eire... along the way attending a few festivals and concerts, crashing for a few days in Paris, hopefully attending the 2nd Cranberries concert as well.. and hopes to meet the american girl and travel with her henceforth on tuesday, in Austria. *fingers crossed*
ok, I'm off now.

Remember what Tolkien, my fave author, used to say:

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to say. "You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Ok, I'm off! 9AM, birds are singing, i'm tired as hell, but hey! I'm excited. soon enough, I'll even be happy!

vineri, 25 iunie 2010

About life and freedom

"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more dangerous to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greather joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun." Cristopher McCandless

"Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth." Thoreau.

sâmbătă, 12 iunie 2010

toropeală. baie lungă de două ore. gînduri...

nu mai pot suporta canicula asta din ploieşti şi bucureşti. vreau la braşov, să simt briza dulce şi comforting în timpul zilei... iar noaptea să mă ascund sub plapuma'mi moale... să înjur iară ploile lungi de o lună..cred că e mai bine decît alternativa caniculei cînd nu mai ai ce să dai jos de pe tine.

am mîncat ca desert un castron plin de căpşuni cu zahăr. aşa dor îmi era să le simt gustul iarăşi!
am pus cada plină de acum 3 ore pentru a face baie, dar nu mă'ndur să intru încă, o las pînă se face rece, cu riscul de a răci eu însumi.

parcă un pic de somn de vreo 5 ore mi'au deschis puţin perspectivele sau mi'au mai luminat mintea întunecată de aseară. parcă redevine totul, încetul cu încetul, la normal.
sunt atît de confuz în legătură cu planurile mele pentru luna asta, vara asta, facultate, prieteni, prietenă, unde mă voi afla, chirie, job, concerte, festivaluri, călătorii.. şi nu cred că voi fi pe de'antregul lămurit prea curînd.

curînd voi atinge vîrsta de 21 ani... în două săptămîni şi două zile, după cum mi'a atras atenţia o foarte dragă fostă profă. în afară de 'legal drinking age' crap, se simte destul de apăsătoare, cred că aş vrea să fiu blocat la 18ani pentru veşnicie... vara dintre terminarea bacului şi facultate...
nici nu am idee ce voi face în ziua respectivă. nici nu simt că ar trebui să fac ceva deosebit. mersul la o 'beută' nu mi-ar aduce nici cea mai mică plăcere... poate mersul pe munte, sau petrecutul zilei cu prietenii, la o cîntare... oh well, probabil că voi avea examen în ziua aia, cum se întîmplă mereu, sau nu ştiu.

altminteri, tre să'mi bag un pic minţile'n cap, să mă apuc straşnic de învăţat pentru sesiune, să nu mai pierd timpul degeaba, măcar acum, în ultimul ceas.

şi mai fug la un castron cu căpşuni.. atît de bune sunt..